Industrial Design

I.R. Tracker

IR Tracker


The initial phase of the project was to perform product analysis. In this case in particular by capturing main and subproblems, function tree and sketches that express ideas visually.

structure & proportions

In order to research technical structure and proportions of the product, a block diagram has been created. With the help of this, the functions from the function tree can be schematically grouped under particular parts.

The dimensions and other measurable data of environmental space for the product are also recorded. The idea is getting more and more detailed.


Designing a housing for a brand new machine line starts always with making a lot of sketches. After that follows the phase where we make selected ideas more precise and detailed. Next step was to present the system operation schematically.

This provides insight into the operation of the product as a whole, but also per unit.


During the engineering phase we set up parametric design in CAD. In addition to that, we also have looked closely at the details of the Tracker. The functions of the main parts were still the focus point during engineering.

Following this way we created a 3D model that provides more functional insights.


Next step was modeling parts and assembling those parts in an assembly file. By setting up an assembly model, we were able to extract more information from the possible functional bottlenecks. This in turn creates new sub-problems and new opportunities for more advanced solutions.


When the CAD model was sufficiently feasible, we took the next step and started building a physical prototype. Physical model is somewhat easier to analyze because it makes it tangible. So the model can be touched; looked closely; assembled and disassembled etc.

All of this is necessary to make the next efficient steps towards optimal concept.


When the prototype was finished and tested, we continued building to the concept. The concept worked well, but there were still points for improvement.

structure & proportions

Final version of CAD prototype was built in 3D environment. This is was necessary to better represent the concept visually. After the visual optimization steps, we started rendering of the IR Tracker.

The results can be seen below.


machine embodiment design


Designing a housing for a brand new machine line starts always with making a lot of sketches. After that follows the phase where we make selected ideas more precise and detailed.

machine line concept

After some time we were ready to discuss with our client about the pros and cons of the machine line concept that we developed over the past five months.

operation panel

Fresh operation panel look is another valuable addition to the concept line we made. Comparing to the previous design of operation panel, we changed the display and placed a large touchscreen panel in order for the ease of its use. We also added the handles that make moving the screen easier.


For extra branding, we added an accent on the operation panel. By using laser annealing we can actually put the brand name on brushed stainless steel frame. 




For a research project that was focused on implementing biomimicry compositions into simple office products we used our creativity in order to design a hole puncher handle with stiff honeycomb structure.

honeycomb pattern

Honeycomb structure is initially created by nature and it fits perfectly into the context of this project. The honeycomb pattern has unique compositions that allow huge surfaces of honeycomb to be able to handle huge amount of loads. So when the handle is being pushed it will not break easily.




This visual concept of MAYA scent diffuser is a part of a creative research process exploring material combinations for look and feel of this particular concept.


To put a combination of modern and vintage concept we chose to use fine black fabric on its main surface and the red mahogany wood surface with bright silver lettering accent on the lower unit.

the concept

In order to finish a concept we created a life-looking render that would serve as inspiration for the future research and development phase.




Graviton is a luxury desk lamp working according to the physical leverage principle that is being influenced by gravity. The lamp must remain in constantly balance in two predetermined positions despite of all environmental influences.


The lampshade should stay in balance in two positions in the space. The counterweights make sure that the balance is being remained. This balance occurs between the lampshade and its opposite counterweight. In order to reach over-all balance, centers of gravity including the center attachment point of the top lamp rod and its counterweight are being used. This center point and its opposite counterweight are both the key in order to provide the gravitational balance at the base of the lamp.


The basic shape of the lamp parts are designed with the shape of hexagon and some angled blocks. These shapes contain symmetrical angle pattern that causes stability at the attachment points. Together it creates a modern look that takes your desk ambience somewhere beyond the laws of physics.


Graviton’s logo was designed in order to create branded identity for the lamp. First we looked at the simple colors with a lot of contrast. After that we tried to create something more creative using the balance aspect of the product. The logo colors we finally used in the graphic work were the colors of basic materials that originally were used to create this product prototype.



minimalist design

With this project we designed minimalist alarm clock called Alarum. With this project we designed the injection moldable housing for an interactive alarm clock design. The shape and simple color combinations of Alarum can be a high-quality addition to a minimalist designed space.

mold flow

To test the feasibility of the injection moldable housing for Alarum, we performed few mold flow simulations. This simulation provides us with better understanding of the 3D CAD parts that finally should become plastic housing parts. With this test we can observe the viscous plastic dissemination within the mold.

Design Glasses

design glasses

eye wish

Design glasses concept that was made for a glasses store as an decorative object reinforcing the ambience for innovation and renewal. A real eye wish for an optics store interior.

our design

The glasses were designed by us. In this special project we got a lot of freedom and this brought us to our own sun glasses design that we presented to the manager of the eye ware.

elegant look

In addition to dominant look we also chose the materials and their colors strictly in order to fit these glasses into a elegant looking business environment where the strong self-confidence and power are being felt.




The idea for Qrabber was born during a research study for ergonomic design products and their shaping. The one important aspect in this study was to create a sanding machine that is compact and could easily be used as a mini power tool indoors.

ergonomic surface

The overall surface that we have created for Qrabber is tailored to the average hand palm surface of men and women in the Western Europe countries.


The purpose of the mockup we made is to put three-dimensional object with designed surface in interaction with the users and particular stakeholders.


The Chess

the chess


The goal of the project was to design a sustainable chess set all of which materials are recyclable. With this project we wanted to prove that it is possible for traditional plastic materials to be replaced with bio-materials. For example, the chess pieces are 3D printed with PLA which is biodegradable. Chessboard is laser cut from plywood and the inside of the chessboard is covered with leather.




A technical project as part of a research and development process for Tarzana swing. During the project we executed general construction calculations and tested the outcome with FEM simulations. In addition to the technical part of the project, we have also made calculations for the production costs, its investments and a revenue model.


The seats of Tarzana are designed with sheet metal. We used stainless steel in order to make it more safe and sustainable. A unique point in this concept is that it is made of angularly patterned structure which provides strength and considerable load-bearing capacity

fem Simulations

To test the overall strength of the bearing beam we performed FEM analyzes in 3D CAD. Through these simulations we are able to find out which strengths the beam can handle and what can be optimized.